There is a misconception held by many people that jobs are at risk in the manufacturing sector because of Industry 4.0 technologies.

However, many recent studies agree that Smart Factory technologies will actually create more jobs than they will replace. A study by Deloitte, for example, found the number of new jobs created in manufacturing would “accelerate and grow by 1.96 million workers by 2028”.

How does this affect you if you’re a young person considering the direction of your future career?

Changing Requirements

While the manufacturing sector will need more people, the jobs that will be available will be different from the jobs that exist today. In fact, some will be completely new.

One example is Equipment Systems Engineers.

While this is an emerging engineering field, people with Equipment Systems Engineering skills will play a vital role in developing, improving, and optimising the factories of today and into the future.

Equipment Systems Engineers will do this by using many exciting and cutting-edge technologies. Examples include:

  • Automation technologies
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Robots
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • And more

Why Are Equipment Systems Engineers Becoming So Important?

Traditionally, companies in the manufacturing sector employed engineers with specific skills – mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, controls engineering, etc.

To take full advantage of Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory technologies, however, the engineering sector needs engineers with a broader range of skills – everything from mechanical and electrical skills to software programming, validation, and controls.

So, there is a skills gap at the moment, and Equipment Systems Engineers are the bridge.

Is This a Short-Term Requirement?

Planning the direction of your career is a big decision. Nothing is forever, of course, and you can always change your mind. That said, it’s understandable that you want to choose a career that will still be in demand in 10, 20, or 30 years’ time.

The manufacturing sector will require Equipment Systems Engineers long into the future.

This is because many of the technologies that fall within the remit of Equipment Systems Engineers are still in their infancy.

Take hologram and mixed reality technologies as an example. Cutting edge examples of this technology do exist, such as Microsoft’s Hololens, and the benefits it offers are substantial. This technology is still to be adopted into widespread use, however.

In addition, experts believe there are technologies that will be essential to the solutions developed by Equipment Systems Engineers of the future, but which have yet to be invented.

Therefore, the future for Equipment Systems Engineers looks bright.

What Industries Do Equipment Systems Engineers Work In?

Equipment Systems Engineers have a role to play in all manufacturing industries, from technology manufacturers to medical device manufacturers to heavy industry to pharmaceutical manufacturers and more.

Opportunities for Qualified Engineers

If you’re a qualified mechanical, electrical, or controls engineer, you should consider taking steps to upskill, broadening your capabilities into those of the Equipment Systems Engineer. Doing so will increase the employment opportunities available to you.

Opportunities for Engineering Undergraduates and TY Students

If you’re still studying, you should consider taking courses that will give you the skills needed by Equipment Systems Engineers. As it’s a new field of engineering, there are not as many courses available compared to traditional engineering roles.

However, more and more courses are being developed.

You can find more information on those courses here on the E-Cubers website.

Take the next steps towards a career as an Equipment Systems Engineer today.